Debt Restructuring in 2021

Taking on debt is a normal part of doing business. The trouble arises when unexpected events occur outside of a typical business lifecycle, such as a pandemic or a recession. The Federal Reserve survey estimates that approximately 70% of small businesses already had outstanding debt before COVID-19. Despite assistance being provided by the government, such as unemploymentContinue reading “Debt Restructuring in 2021”

Tips for Preventing Debt from Getting Out of Control for Your Small Business

Debt is one of the scariest outcomes of opening up a small business. Small business owners take a substantial financial risk when opening their business, but they know achieving their dream is worth it. To avoid financial struggles and your business going into too much debt, here are some helpful tips for your business toContinue reading “Tips for Preventing Debt from Getting Out of Control for Your Small Business”

Ferne Kornfeld, Principal and Commercial Finance Consultant at Value Capital Funding

Based in Palm Beach, Florida, Ferne Kornfeld is a Principal and Commercial Finance Consultant at Value Capital Funding. Throughout her extensive career, Ferne has over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. Even more, Ferne possesses thorough and comprehensive knowledge of corporate finance. Ferne, as well as her business partner and husband, Barry Kornfeld, believe inContinue reading “Ferne Kornfeld, Principal and Commercial Finance Consultant at Value Capital Funding”

Debt Restructuring Vs. Bankruptcy: What’s the Difference?

A once thriving business can easily take a turn for the worse when their finances aren’t in order. Even when a business is drowning in debt, there can still be a light at the end of the tunnel and there are steps they can take to stay afloat. Oftentimes, the word “bankruptcy” or “debt restructuring”Continue reading “Debt Restructuring Vs. Bankruptcy: What’s the Difference?”

What is Debt Restructuring?

Debt can have a significant hindrance to your personal and professional life. Always wondering how you’ll ever pay it off or if you can even afford the next payment is something no one ever wants to go through, especially with an entire company at risk. When a company is in debt and wants to avoidContinue reading “What is Debt Restructuring?”

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